- Leeds Shake
- 100% Plant-Based Vegan Mugwort Shake
- A healthy shake formulated by a Korean traditional medicine doctor
- Officially certified by the Vegan Society of the UK
- Packed with the natural flavors of Korean mugwort and grains
회사명 : 주식회사 지케이엠홀딩스대표자명 : 최승준사업자등록번호 : 859-81-02660
TEL : 031-903-1105FAX : 031-903-1106E-mail : info@gkm.co.kr주소 : 경기도 고양시 일산동구 중앙로 1079
더리브스타일 416호, 417호, 441호
Company name: GKM Holdings IncorporatedTEL : +82-31-903-1105FAX : +82-31-903-1106E-mail : info@gkm.co.krAddress : THE LIV STYLE #416-417, #441 1079,
Jungang-ro, Ilsan-dong-gu, Goyang-si,
Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Company name: GKM Holdings IncorporatedTEL : +82-31-903-1105FAX : +82-31-903-1106E-mail : info@gkm.co.krAddress : THE LIV STYLE #416-417, #441 1079,
Jungang-ro, Ilsan-dong-gu, Goyang-si,
Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea