The CI of GKM Holdings Incorporated not only represents a stance towards the world,
but also symbolizes the connection between Global and Medicine using the characteristics of Korea.
Navy blue symbolizes honesty and trust, while Orange symbolizes creativity and passion.
회사명 : 주식회사 지케이엠홀딩스대표자명 : 최승준사업자등록번호 : 859-81-02660
TEL : 031-903-1105FAX : 031-903-1106E-mail :주소 : 경기도 고양시 일산동구 중앙로 1079
더리브스타일 416호, 417호, 441호
Company name: GKM Holdings IncorporatedTEL : +82-31-903-1105FAX : +82-31-903-1106E-mail : : THE LIV STYLE #416-417, #441 1079,
Jungang-ro, Ilsan-dong-gu, Goyang-si,
Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Company name: GKM Holdings IncorporatedTEL : +82-31-903-1105FAX : +82-31-903-1106E-mail : : THE LIV STYLE #416-417, #441 1079,
Jungang-ro, Ilsan-dong-gu, Goyang-si,
Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea